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Unterstützt Sky3DS Flashkarte Online Gameplay?

Die Antwort ist Ja ,Mit Sky3ds kann man 3ds Spiele online spielen. Aber, um die  Blockierung von der Konsonle mit public  header zu vermeiden ,man soll  eigenen privaten Header für  Online-Spiele besitzen . Eine Private Header ist genug für alle Online-3DS-Spiele.

Problem:Each original genunie game flashcard has a header file which will be detected when you playing games online with other gamers. Sky3ds header file is come from the template file when write/flash games into Sky3ds. And all the Template headers are the same, if the same headers file are used at the same time during online gaming and is detected by Nintendo, your 3ds console be will banned! 3DS get banned means all the games cannot be played online, FC cannot sign in, but eshop explorer or Miiverse can work as normal. In that situation, the error code will be 002-0102, please note the 002-0120 means your game roms didnot update, 002-0123 means your game roms has an compatibility issue thus disable your 3ds console cannot play online.

Solution: Regarding to this issue,the sky3ds team released a tool for editing private game header for template file. The tool can be used only after you get a private game header from different means, you can dump a retail card, you can get from a friend and so on. All in all, as long as you have the private game header for playing hot 3ds games, you won’t be banned by Nintendo.

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